This hotel provides nothing unparalleled service and state of the art facilities that are sure to satisfy all of their guests. Also, this hotel serves nothing but the best cuisines to their guests through their on site restaurants. This hotel has a stunning interior and exterior design that will surely awe their guests. it also have an Olympic size swimming pool that is provided for their guests who want to enjoy the waters while staying in this magnificent hotel. The Langham Hotel in Hong Kong is also one of the Best Luxury Hotels in the world. This hotel is ideally situated near the lively district of Kowloon. It offers 250 sophisticatedly decorated rooms that make use of fine silk and gold leaf to create the perfect homey ambiance. They also have the most hospitable staff and crew that are more than willing to attend to the every needs of their valued guests. These are only some of the greatest Luxury hotels in the world. All of the countries have their own pride in the line of great luxury hotels so be sure to stay in one if you want to have a complete and satisfied trip on that certain country. To look for the best hotel, it is advised to conduct a simple search on different hotel offers so that you can pick the luxury hotel that will best suit all your needs.